Ayanamsha in Astrology or Jyotish

Ayanamsha in Vedic Astrology or Jyotish: -
By: - Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer
Ayanamsha in Jyotish or Astrology: -
Ayanamsa, also known as Ayanamsha, refers to the difference or displacement in the measurement of the vernal equinox between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac. It plays a significant role in Indian Vedic astrology as it affects the calculation of the positions of planets and the interpretation of a birth chart.The vernal equinox is the point in space where the Sun crosses the celestial equator, marking the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It is used as the reference point for measuring the positions of celestial bodies in astrology. The tropical zodiac is based on the Sun's apparent path and divides the year into twelve equal parts, each corresponding to a zodiac sign.
The sidereal zodiac, on the other hand, is based on the fixed positions of stars and constellations. It is divided into twelve equal parts, with each part representing a specific constellation. In Vedic astrology, the sidereal zodiac is commonly used for determining the positions of planets and interpreting birth charts.
However, due to the precession of Earth's axis, the vernal equinox gradually shifts backward over time. This shift is known as the precession of the equinoxes and causes the Ayanamsa or Ayanamsha. The Ayanamsa value represents the difference, in degrees or time, between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac at a particular point in time.
Different systems and calculations exist for determining the Ayanamsa value, and there may be variations among astrologers and astrological traditions. The most widely used Ayanamsa values in Indian Vedic astrology include Lahiri Ayanamsa, Raman Ayanamsa, and Krishnamurti Ayanamsa, among others. Each system provides a specific measurement for the displacement between the two zodiacs.
The Ayanamsa value is used to adjust the positions of planets derived from the tropical zodiac to the sidereal zodiac. This adjustment ensures accurate placement of planets in the birth chart and aligns the interpretation with the principles and techniques of Vedic astrology.
It's important to note that while Ayanamsa is a fundamental consideration in Vedic astrology, its practical impact on chart interpretation may vary depending on the specific astrological system, tradition, or astrologer being consulted. The choice of Ayanamsa value can influence the positions of planets and other astrological calculations, which may lead to differences in interpretations and predictions.
Ayanansha = Ayan + Ansh = 24° (Nearly)
Here Ayan means angle of inclination of the Earth's axis from the vertical & Ansh means Degrees. In Indian Vedic Astrology Ayan is not added to the position of Sun as is done in Western Astrology. Due to this Indian Vedic Astrology is also called Sidereal system of Astrology (Niryan Jyotish) where as Western Astrology is also called as Tropical system of Astrology (Saayan Jyotish).
*Ayanansha is continuously increasing due to the third motion of the Earth.