Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer

Birth Chart in Astrology /
Janma Kundli in Jyotish

Birth Chart in Astrology

Janma Kundli in Jyotish / Birth Chart in Astrology

Birth Chart in Astrology or Janma Kundli in Jyotish: -

A birth chart in Astrology or Janma Kundli in Jyotish is a representation of the planets in the sky at the time of birth of a person. It depicts the rising sign orlagna & position of planets in different zodiac signs (or rashis) & houses. The four directions in the birth chart are Poorva (or East), Paschim (or West), Aakash (Zenith) & Paatal (Nadir). North & South are not shown in it because the Earth rotates on it's axis from West to East, due to which the zodiac signs & other planets seem to be moving from East to West in the sky. North & South directions don't play any significant role.

In any chart Mercury or Budh can't go more than 2 houses away from Sun or Surya. Similarly in any chart Venus or Shukra can't go more than 3 houses away from Sun or Surya. Rahu & Ketu will always be present 7 houses apart.

Birth Chart in Astrology

How to traverse in a Birth Chart from one house to another

Birth Chart and Directions

Dikbal of Planets

Budh or Mercury

Shukra or Venus

Representation of Full Moon in Chart

Representation of Half Moon in Chart

Representation of Black Moon in Chart


Representation of Solar Eclipse in Chart

Representation of Lunar Eclipse in Chart>

What is depicted by 12 houses in a birth chart

In Indian Vedic astrology, Janma Kundli, also known as the birth chart or natal chart, is a fundamental astrological tool used to analyze and interpret an individual's life based on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth. It is considered a blueprint of a person's life, reflecting their unique characteristics, potentials, and life events.

Here are some key points about Janma Kundli:

Calculation and Structure:

Janma Kundli is calculated based on the precise date, time, and place of an individual's birth. It consists of twelve houses, representing various areas of life, such as personality, relationships, career, health, finances, and spirituality.

Ascendant (Lagna):

The Ascendant or Lagna is the first house in the Janma Kundli. It is determined by the exact time and place of birth and represents the individual's physical appearance, temperament, and overall personality.

Planetary Positions:

The Janma Kundli depicts the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other celestial bodies in the zodiac signs at the time of birth. Each planet's placement in different houses and signs influences various aspects of a person's life and personality.

Aspects and Conjunctions:

The Janma Kundli also considers the aspects (relationships) between planets and their conjunctions in the birth chart. These aspects reveal how planets interact with each other, influencing different areas of life and creating specific yogas (combinations) that can bring auspicious or challenging effects.

Dasha System:

The Janma Kundli is used to determine the timing and duration of planetary periods (dashas) throughout an individual's life. These dashas signify the unfolding of specific influences and events associated with different planets.

Predictive Analysis:

An astrologer analyzes the Janma Kundli to provide insights into a person's personality traits, career potential, relationships, health, and life events. It helps identify strengths, challenges, and opportunities in different areas of life.

Remedies and Guidance:

Based on the analysis of the Janma Kundli, astrologers can suggest remedies, such as gemstone recommendations, mantras, rituals, or specific actions, to mitigate negative influences and enhance positive outcomes.

The Janma Kundli serves as a fundamental tool in Indian Vedic astrology, providing a comprehensive and detailed understanding of an individual's life. Its interpretations involve considering the positions, aspects, and interactions of planets, as well as the individual's specific birth details.

Consulting with an experienced astrologer can provide a more personalized and in-depth analysis of your Janma Kundli, offering guidance, predictions, and remedies tailored to your unique chart and life circumstances.

First House

In Jyotish (also known as Vedic astrology), the first house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) is called the Lagna or Ascendant. It is one of the most important houses in the chart and holds significant meaning.

The first house represents the physical body, appearance, and overall personality of an individual. It indicates how a person presents themselves to the world and how others perceive them. It is associated with self-expression, self-image, and the general outlook on life.

The first house also governs the individual's health, vitality, and overall well-being. It reveals information about the person's physical strength, stamina, and constitution.

Additionally, the first house is related to the individual's behavior, temperament, and natural tendencies. It reflects the person's inclinations, motivations, and approach to life.

Furthermore, the first house is known as the house of beginnings and new initiatives. It represents the person's individuality, independence, and the ability to start new ventures.

The planetary influences on the first house can provide insights into various aspects of a person's life, such as their career, relationships, and overall success. The placement of different planets in the first house and any aspects they form with other planets can further refine the interpretation of the first house.

It is important to note that a comprehensive analysis of the entire birth chart, including the interplay of all the houses and planets, is necessary to gain a complete understanding of an individual's life and potential.

Second House

In Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the second house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) holds significance and represents various aspects of an individual's life. The second house is known as the "Dhana Bhava" or the house of wealth, possessions, and speech.

Here are the key significations of the second house:

Wealth and Finances: The second house is primarily associated with material possessions, accumulated wealth, and financial stability. It indicates a person's ability to earn and manage money, their attitude towards wealth, and their financial prospects.

Family and Heritage: The second house also represents family values, family lineage, and ancestral property. It reflects the person's connection with their family and their sense of identity rooted in their heritage.

Speech and Communication: This house is related to speech, communication, and self-expression. It governs the person's ability to articulate thoughts and ideas, their communication style, and their language skills.

Face, Voice, and Senses: The second house influences physical features such as the face, mouth, and voice. It can indicate the person's attractiveness, vocal abilities, and overall sensory experiences.

Food and Nourishment: This house is associated with food, eating habits, and dietary preferences. It reveals the person's relationship with food, their appetite, and their inclination towards particular types of cuisine.

Self-Worth and Values: The second house reflects a person's self-worth, personal values, and principles. It indicates what they value in life and their capacity to prioritize their own needs and desires.

Savings and Investments: Along with wealth accumulation, the second house is also associated with savings, investments, and financial planning. It signifies the person's ability to save money for the future and make wise financial decisions.

The planetary influences on the second house, such as the placement of planets and any aspects they form, provide further insights into a person's financial situation, family dynamics, and communication abilities. It is important to analyze the entire birth chart holistically to get a comprehensive understanding of an individual's life and potential.

Third House

In Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the third house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) holds significance and represents various aspects of an individual's life. The third house is known as the "Sahaj Bhava" or the house of siblings, communication, skills, and courage.

Here are the key significations of the third house:

Siblings and Relatives: The third house represents siblings, cousins, and extended family members. It reflects the nature of the relationship with siblings, the number of siblings, and their influence in the person's life.

Communication and Expression: This house is related to communication, writing, speaking, and expressing oneself. It signifies the person's ability to effectively convey their thoughts and ideas to others.

Skills and Talents: The third house is associated with skills, talents, and abilities. It indicates the person's areas of expertise and their potential for success in fields such as writing, teaching, or any other specialized skill.

Short Journeys and Travels: This house represents short-distance journeys, local travels, and frequent movements within the immediate surroundings. It can also indicate the person's inclination towards traveling and exploring new places.

Courage and Determination: The third house signifies courage, determination, and willpower. It reflects the person's ability to face challenges, overcome obstacles, and pursue their goals with confidence.

Siblings' Success and Relationships: The third house can provide insights into the success and achievements of siblings. It also reflects the person's relationship with their siblings, including cooperation, rivalry, or support.

Neighbors and Neighborhood: This house represents neighbors and the immediate neighborhood. It can indicate the person's relationship with neighbors and the environment in which they live.

The planetary influences on the third house, such as the placement of planets and any aspects they form, provide further insights into a person's communication skills, relationship with siblings, and their courage to take on new challenges. It is important to analyze the entire birth chart holistically to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's life and potential.

Fourth House

In Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the fourth house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) holds significant meaning and represents various aspects of an individual's life. The fourth house is known as the "Sukh Bhava" or the house of home, mother, emotions, and inner foundation.

Here are the key significations of the fourth house:

Home and Family: The fourth house primarily represents the home, including the physical dwelling and the domestic environment. It reflects the person's sense of belonging, comfort, and security within their family and home life.

Mother and Maternal Figures: This house is associated with the mother, as well as maternal figures and influences in a person's life. It reflects the nature of the relationship with the mother, her role in the person's life, and the impact she has on their emotional well-being.

Inner Emotional World: The fourth house represents the individual's emotional nature, feelings, and emotional security. It reflects their ability to connect with their emotions, express them, and find emotional stability.

Ancestral Heritage and Property: This house also signifies ancestral heritage, family lineage, and ancestral property. It reflects the person's connection with their roots, traditions, and ancestral assets.

Education and Learning: The fourth house is associated with education, learning, and knowledge. It represents the person's academic pursuits, educational environment, and the depth of their intellectual development.

Inner Peace and Mental Well-being: This house signifies inner peace, mental well-being, and a sense of inner stability. It reflects the person's ability to find emotional harmony, establish a strong foundation, and maintain a balanced state of mind.

Real Estate and Property: The fourth house is also related to real estate, property ownership, and land. It indicates the person's potential for acquiring or managing property and their connection to their physical surroundings.

The planetary influences on the fourth house, such as the placement of planets and any aspects they form, provide further insights into a person's home life, emotional well-being, and their relationship with their mother or maternal figures. It is important to analyze the entire birth chart holistically to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's life and potential.

Fifth House

In Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the fifth house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) holds significant meaning and represents various aspects of an individual's life. The fifth house is known as the "Putra Bhava" or the house of children, creativity, intelligence, and romance.

Here are the key significations of the fifth house:

Creativity and Self-expression: The fifth house primarily represents creativity, self-expression, and artistic pursuits. It reflects the person's creative abilities, talents, and their inclination towards artistic endeavors such as music, dance, painting, or writing.

Children and Progeny: This house is associated with children, offspring, and the potential for having children. It indicates the person's relationship with their children, their role as a parent, and their ability to nurture and guide the next generation.

Romance and Love Affairs: The fifth house signifies romance, love affairs, and romantic relationships. It reflects the person's approach to love, their capacity for romantic expression, and their experiences in romantic partnerships.

Intelligence and Learning: This house is related to intelligence, learning, and academic pursuits. It represents the person's intellectual capabilities, capacity for learning, and their educational achievements.

Speculation and Gambling: The fifth house is also associated with speculation, gambling, and risk-taking. It reflects the person's inclination towards games of chance, investments, and their approach to taking calculated risks.

Joy, Happiness, and Fun: This house represents joy, happiness, and recreational activities. It reflects the person's ability to experience pleasure, enjoy life's pleasures, and find happiness through various means.

Creative Projects and Hobbies: The fifth house signifies creative projects, hobbies, and personal interests. It indicates the person's inclination towards pursuing hobbies, engaging in leisure activities, and finding outlets for self-expression.

The planetary influences on the fifth house, such as the placement of planets and any aspects they form, provide further insights into a person's creative potential, romantic experiences, and their relationship with their children. It is important to analyze the entire birth chart holistically to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's life and potential.

Sixth House

In Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the sixth house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) holds significant meaning and represents various aspects of an individual's life. The sixth house is known as the "Ripu Bhava" or the house of obstacles, enemies, health, and service.

Here are the key significations of the sixth house:

Health and Wellness: The sixth house primarily represents health, well-being, and physical vitality. It reflects the person's susceptibility to illnesses, their ability to recover from health issues, and their overall state of well-being.

Service, Employment, and Daily Work: This house is associated with service, employment, and daily work routines. It indicates the person's work environment, work ethic, and their dedication to their professional responsibilities.

Enemies and Litigation: The sixth house signifies enemies, opponents, and legal matters. It reflects the person's potential for encountering conflicts, legal disputes, and their ability to overcome challenges posed by adversaries.

Debt and Loans: This house is related to debt, loans, and financial obligations. It reflects the person's potential for incurring debt, their ability to manage financial obligations, and their approach to financial stability.

Competition and Struggles: The sixth house represents competition, struggles, and overcoming obstacles. It reflects the person's competitive nature, their ability to face challenges, and their determination to succeed in the face of adversity.

Service to Others and Volunteering: This house is associated with service to others, volunteering, and philanthropy. It reflects the person's inclination towards helping others, contributing to society, and engaging in acts of selflessness.

Pets and Small Animals: The sixth house signifies pets, small animals, and their relationship with the person. It reflects the person's affinity towards animals and their potential for pet ownership.

The planetary influences on the sixth house, such as the placement of planets and any aspects they form, provide further insights into a person's health, work life, ability to overcome obstacles, and their relationship with enemies or adversaries. It is important to analyze the entire birth chart holistically to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's life and potential.

Seventh House

In Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the seventh house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) holds significant meaning and represents various aspects of an individual's life, particularly related to relationships and partnerships. The seventh house is known as the "Kalatra Bhava" or the house of marriage, partnerships, and significant others.

Here are the key significations of the seventh house:

Marriage and Partnerships: The seventh house primarily represents marriage, committed partnerships, and significant relationships in an individual's life. It reflects the person's approach to relationships, their potential for marriage, and the qualities they seek in a life partner.

Business and Professional Partnerships: This house is associated with business partnerships, collaborations, and alliances in the professional sphere. It indicates the person's potential for successful partnerships in business or career endeavors.

Committed Relationships and Contracts: The seventh house signifies committed relationships beyond marriage, such as long-term partnerships or contractual agreements. It reflects the person's ability to form and maintain stable, harmonious relationships based on mutual trust and understanding.

Legal Matters and Litigation: This house is related to legal matters, disputes, and litigation. It reflects the person's potential for involvement in legal proceedings, conflicts, or contractual negotiations.

Diplomacy and Negotiation: The seventh house represents diplomacy, negotiation skills, and the ability to find a middle ground in relationships. It reflects the person's capacity to balance their own needs with the needs of others and their skill in resolving conflicts.

Open Enemies and Opponents: This house also signifies open enemies, opponents, or rivals. It reflects the person's potential for encountering conflicts or opposition from others.

Relationship with the Public: The seventh house represents the person's relationship with the public or a wider audience. It reflects their ability to connect with others, form alliances, and establish a favorable public image.

The planetary influences on the seventh house, such as the placement of planets and any aspects they form, provide further insights into a person's relationships, marriage prospects, partnerships, and their ability to maintain harmonious connections with others. It is important to analyze the entire birth chart holistically to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's life and potential.

Eighth House

In Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the eighth house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) holds significant meaning and represents various aspects of an individual's life, particularly those related to transformation, hidden matters, and inheritance. The eighth house is known as the "Randhra Bhava" or the house of transformation, longevity, secrets, and occult knowledge.

Here are the key significations of the eighth house:

Transformation and Rebirth: The eighth house primarily represents transformation, regeneration, and rebirth. It reflects the person's potential for undergoing significant changes, inner growth, and spiritual evolution.

Occult Knowledge and Mysticism: This house is associated with occult knowledge, mysticism, and hidden wisdom. It signifies the person's inclination towards esoteric subjects, psychic abilities, and their interest in metaphysical realms.

Inheritance and Shared Resources: The eighth house signifies inheritance, shared resources, and financial matters related to others. It reflects the person's potential for receiving financial support, managing joint finances, and handling matters of inheritance or legacies.

Sexuality and Intimacy: This house is related to sexuality, intimacy, and deep emotional connections. It reflects the person's approach to intimate relationships, their sexual nature, and their ability to form intense emotional bonds.

Life and Death: The eighth house represents the cycle of life and death. It reflects the person's attitude towards mortality, their understanding of the impermanence of life, and their potential for experiencing profound transformative experiences.

Hidden Matters and Secrets: This house signifies hidden matters, secrets, and the unknown aspects of life. It reflects the person's potential for uncovering hidden truths, investigating mysteries, and delving into the depths of their own psyche.

Longevity and Health: The eighth house represents longevity, life force, and health-related matters. It reflects the person's potential for enduring good health or encountering health challenges throughout their life.

The planetary influences on the eighth house, such as the placement of planets and any aspects they form, provide further insights into a person's transformative experiences, their approach to intimacy and sexuality, their potential for inheritances, and their interest in metaphysical subjects. It is important to analyze the entire birth chart holistically to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's life and potential.

Ninth House

In Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the ninth house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) holds significant meaning and represents various aspects of an individual's life, particularly those related to higher knowledge, spirituality, beliefs, and long-distance travel. The ninth house is known as the "Dharma Bhava" or the house of righteousness, higher education, and spiritual pursuits.

Here are the key significations of the ninth house:

Higher Knowledge and Wisdom: The ninth house primarily represents higher knowledge, wisdom, and intellectual pursuits. It reflects the person's potential for higher education, academic achievements, and their inclination towards philosophical or religious studies.

Spirituality and Faith: This house is associated with spirituality, faith, and belief systems. It reflects the person's inclination towards spiritual practices, religious traditions, and their connection with higher realms of consciousness.

Guru/Teacher and Mentors: The ninth house signifies gurus, teachers, and mentors who guide and inspire the person on their spiritual and intellectual path. It reflects the person's relationship with their teachers, their potential for receiving guidance, and their willingness to seek wisdom from others.

Long-Distance Travel and Pilgrimage: This house is related to long-distance travel, especially for spiritual or educational purposes. It reflects the person's potential for embarking on journeys to gain knowledge, experience new cultures, or engage in pilgrimage.

Legal Matters and Higher Justice: The ninth house signifies legal matters, higher justice systems, and ethical principles. It reflects the person's potential for involvement in legal affairs related to matters of righteousness and moral values.

Luck and Fortune: This house represents luck, fortune, and positive outcomes in life. It reflects the person's potential for favorable opportunities, good fortune, and the blessings of destiny.

Publishing and Writing: The ninth house is also associated with publishing, writing, and dissemination of knowledge. It reflects the person's potential for literary pursuits, writing books or articles, and sharing their wisdom with others.

The planetary influences on the ninth house, such as the placement of planets and any aspects they form, provide further insights into a person's spiritual inclinations, educational pursuits, connection with mentors, and their potential for embarking on transformative journeys. It is important to analyze the entire birth chart holistically to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's life and potential.

Tenth House

In Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the tenth house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) holds significant meaning and represents various aspects of an individual's life, particularly those related to career, social status, reputation, and achievements. The tenth house is known as the "Karma Bhava" or the house of profession, public image, and worldly accomplishments.

Here are the key significations of the tenth house:

Career and Profession: The tenth house primarily represents career, profession, and one's place in the world. It reflects the person's potential for success, their professional aspirations, and the nature of their work.

Authority and Power: This house is associated with authority, power, and leadership. It reflects the person's potential for assuming positions of authority, taking on leadership roles, and influencing others.

Public Image and Reputation: The tenth house signifies public image, reputation, and how one is perceived by society. It reflects the person's standing in the public eye, their reputation in their chosen field, and their professional achievements.

Ambition and Goals: This house is related to ambition, goals, and aspirations. It reflects the person's drive for success, their determination to achieve their goals, and their willingness to work hard for their aspirations.

Fame and Recognition: The tenth house represents fame, recognition, and public acclaim. It reflects the person's potential for gaining fame or public recognition for their achievements in their chosen field.

Professional Success and Achievements: This house signifies professional success, achievements, and milestones. It reflects the person's potential for attaining significant milestones in their career and reaching the heights of their chosen profession.

Father and Authority Figures: The tenth house is also associated with the father and other authority figures in the person's life. It reflects the person's relationship with their father, their potential for receiving guidance from authority figures, and the impact of parental influence on their career choices.

The planetary influences on the tenth house, such as the placement of planets and any aspects they form, provide further insights into a person's career trajectory, professional achievements, and their potential for attaining success and recognition. It is important to analyze the entire birth chart holistically to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's life and potential.

Eleventh House

In Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the eleventh house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) holds significant meaning and represents various aspects of an individual's life, particularly those related to aspirations, gains, friendships, and social networks. The eleventh house is known as the "Labha Bhava" or the house of gains, desires, and fulfillment.

Here are the key significations of the eleventh house:

Gains and Income: The eleventh house primarily represents gains, income, and financial prosperity. It reflects the person's potential for acquiring wealth, accumulating resources, and experiencing financial growth.

Desires and Aspirations: This house is associated with desires, dreams, and aspirations. It reflects the person's goals, ambitions, and their potential for manifesting their desires into reality.

Friendship and Social Circles: The eleventh house signifies friendship, social networks, and associations. It reflects the person's ability to form meaningful connections, build a supportive social circle, and benefit from their relationships.

Fulfillment of Wishes: This house represents the fulfillment of wishes and the realization of goals. It reflects the person's potential for achieving their desires, experiencing satisfaction, and finding fulfillment in life.

Teamwork and Collaborations: The eleventh house is related to teamwork, collaborations, and group activities. It reflects the person's potential for working effectively in a team, forming alliances, and achieving shared goals through cooperation.

Social Causes and Philanthropy: This house signifies involvement in social causes, philanthropy, and community service. It reflects the person's inclination towards making a positive impact on society and their potential for contributing to the greater good.

Elder Siblings and Networks: The eleventh house is also associated with elder siblings and larger networks. It reflects the person's relationship with their elder siblings, their potential for receiving support from them, and their involvement in broader social networks.

The planetary influences on the eleventh house, such as the placement of planets and any aspects they form, provide further insights into a person's financial gains, fulfillment of desires, social connections, and their potential for achieving their aspirations. It is important to analyze the entire birth chart holistically to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's life and potential.

Twelfth House

In Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the twelfth house in a Janma Kundli (birth chart) holds significant meaning and represents various aspects of an individual's life, particularly those related to spirituality, losses, isolation, and subconscious mind. The twelfth house is known as the "Vyaya Bhava" or the house of expenditure, liberation, and the hidden realms.

Here are the key significations of the twelfth house:

Spirituality and Enlightenment: The twelfth house primarily represents spirituality, liberation, and enlightenment. It reflects the person's potential for seeking spiritual growth, connecting with higher realms of consciousness, and transcending worldly attachments.

Losses and Expenditures: This house is associated with losses, expenses, and letting go of attachments. It reflects the person's potential for experiencing financial losses, sacrifices, or the need to release attachments in order to achieve spiritual growth.

Isolation and Retreat: The twelfth house signifies isolation, retreat, and solitude. It reflects the person's potential for seeking seclusion, introspection, and withdrawing from worldly activities in order to delve into deeper levels of consciousness.

Subconscious Mind and Dreams: This house is related to the subconscious mind, dreams, and the hidden aspects of the psyche. It reflects the person's potential for accessing their subconscious, exploring dreams, and understanding the deeper layers of their own consciousness.

Moksha and Spiritual Liberation: The twelfth house represents moksha or spiritual liberation. It reflects the person's potential for attaining spiritual enlightenment, breaking free from the cycle of birth and death, and experiencing oneness with the divine.

Charitable Acts and Philanthropy: This house signifies charitable acts, philanthropy, and selfless service. It reflects the person's potential for engaging in acts of compassion, contributing to society, and finding fulfillment through selfless service to others.

Bed Pleasures and Sleep: The twelfth house is also associated with bed pleasures, sleep, and dreams. It reflects the person's potential for finding relaxation, rejuvenation, and solace in the realm of sleep and rest.

The planetary influences on the twelfth house, such as the placement of planets and any aspects they form, provide further insights into a person's spiritual inclinations, their potential for detachment from worldly matters, and their capacity for experiencing inner peace and enlightenment. It is important to analyze the entire birth chart holistically to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's life and potential.

12 Houses in Birthchart
No.House or Bhava
1First House
2Second House
3Third House
4Fourth House
5Fifth House
6Sixth House
7Seventh House
8Eighth House
9Ninth House
10Tenth house
11Eleventh House
12Twelfth House