Hindu Genealogy Registers at Haridwar

Genealogy Registers at Haridwar
By: - Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer

Haridwar Family Panda Records Online
Hindu Genealogy Registers at Haridwar
Contact Shri Ganga Sabha in Haridwar at the following numbers
(Country code of India)-(STD code of Haridwar)-(Landline number): -
Or you can contact Sewa Samiti in Haridwar at the following numbers
(Country code of India)-(STD code of Haridwar)-(Landline number): -
Haridwar Family Panda Records Online | Hindu Genealogy Registers at Haridwar: -
In the ancient customs of Hindu families, detailed genealogies spanning several generations are maintained by professional Hindu Brahmin Pandits, known as Pandas, in the holy city of Haridwar, India. These genealogies are meticulously recorded in handwritten registers that have been passed down through generations of Pandit ancestors. The registers are classified based on the original districts and villages of one's ancestors, with specific Pandit families entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining the records for designated districts, even for cases where ancestral districts and villages are now located in Pakistan due to the Partition of India.
These genealogy registers are not limited to Hindus alone, as present-day descendants may include Sikhs, Muslims, or even Christians. It is not uncommon to find detailed information spanning up to seven or more past generations in these genealogy registers meticulously kept by the Pandas of Haridwar.
For centuries, when Hindu ancestors visited Haridwar for various purposes, such as pilgrimage, cremation of the deceased, or immersion of ashes and bones into the holy river Ganga, they would visit the Pandit in charge of their family register. During these visits, they would update the family's genealogical tree with details of marriages, births, and deaths within their extended joint family.
In present-day India, visitors to Haridwar are often surprised when the Pandits approach them and invite them to update their ancestral genealogical family tree. Word spreads quickly among the Pandits, and the designated Pandit of one's family is promptly notified of the visit. Nowadays, with the decline of the Hindu joint family system and the preference for nuclear families, record-keeping Pandits encourage visitors to come prepared by contacting their extended family members and gathering all relevant details about their ancestral district and village. This includes the names of grandparents, great-grandparents, and information about marriages, births, and deaths within the extended family. It is also beneficial to provide as much information as possible about families married into the lineage. During the visit, a family member is required to personally sign the family genealogical register provided by their Family Panda after updating it. This allows future family members and generations to witness and authenticate the updated entries. Additionally, friends and other family members accompanying the visit may be requested to sign as witnesses to the updates made.