Horoscope Matchmaking (Marriage)

Horoscope Matchmaking Marriage
By: - Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer
Horoscope Matchmaking (Marriage): -
According to Dr.A.S.Kalra, by doing horoscope matching (or horoscope compatibility for marriage) we can't guarantee to alter the destiny of the person concerned completely regarding married life, family life and childbirth. However we can only try to improve it up to such extent. If the destiny of the perosn concerned is observed to be good from the point of views of married life, family life and childbirth then that is fine. But even in that case checking of the horoscope of alliance is essential because the person concerned may has to suffer after the marriage due to the weakness of planets of the life partner. But if the planets of the client are coming out to be weak from the point of views of married life, family life and childbirth after doing analysis of his chart then we'll not be able to alter his/her destiny completely but we can only try to improve it by finding right alliance for him/her. But even in that case it has been observed that if a right alliance is found by the astrologer then the client may reject it because the alliance is not found to be physically appealing or the alliance may reject the client or both may reject each other. Usually it has been observed that altering destiny of a client is not that easy and can't take place without the bounty of the God.Frauds or mistakes by other party: - Also it has been observed that some time while doing matching of horoscopes the other party provides wrong birth details to hide the age of their son or daughter or in actual their birth details were not recorded properly at the time of their birth. In such a case astrologer can't do anything because after all he/she has to work only on the basis of the birth details of the alliance provided by the client. Sometimes other party also goes to some astrologer in an order to alter the birth details of their bachelor boy or girl in such a way so as to improve the planetary postions in their charts in such a way so that nobody can say no while considering their marriage proposal (lagna kundli matching or janam kundali matching). In such cases astrologers are also offered some extra amount of money for doing this dishonesty. This is being mentioned here because in past Dr.A.S.Kalra has himself received such requests many times from some clients where he simply and bluntly refused to work for such clients.
As far as checking of a proposal or alliance (match) for marriage of some client is concerned (which is usually called as Janampatri matching or Janampatrika Milan), Dr.A.S.Kalra doesn't lays any emphasis on 36-Goon Milan (or 36-Guna Milan), Manglik Yoga, Nadi Dosha, Gana Dosha & Bhakut Dosha. According to Dr.A.S.Kalra instead of checking a proposal in this conventional way (which is actually a deep rooted superstition in Indian society) its better to analyze charts of both male & female from various point of views like married life, family life, childbirth, temperament, nature and behaviour etc.
But unfortunately if some families believe in these concepts strongly and these deep rooted superstitions are present in their minds strongly since their early childhood (due to their elders practicing such concepts) then they will have no other choice but to use these concepts while doing compatibility analysis before marriage because otherwise they'll always remain in some fear that something wrong is going to take place after marriage and if something wrong actually take place after marriage due to some other astrological reasons or logics (like weakness in house of marriage, house of family life and house of childbirth as well as their lord planets or/and weakness of Venus in the chart of the husband or/and weakness of Mars in the chart of wife or/and due to dasha of some bad planet in the lives of any of the two) then in such a case such gullible people will blame it directly to Guna issue or Manglik issue or Bhakut issue or Gana issue or Nadi issue or they'll blame that the marriage was not done at right Muhurata. So we can't eradicate these deep rooted superstitons from the minds of such people. Even many celebrities in India have these deep rooted superstitions present in their minds.
It can be a matter of chance only that some marriage ending up in a bitter divorce is having Manglik issue or Goon issue present in the charts of husband and wife. Actually the problem is present in the seventh house (house responsible for marriage and married life) or/and its lord planet or/and second house (house responsible for overall family life) or/and its lord planet or/and bad condition of Venus in the chart of husband or/and bad condition of Mars in the chart of wife. If problem is being observed regarding childbirth after marriage then it is not due to Nadi Dosha but actually it is due to the presence of fifth house (house responsible for childbirth or children) or/and its lord planet in some malefic influence.
According to Dr.A.S.Kalra charts of both the client as well as alliance have to be analyzed from the following point of views: -
Seventh house (house responsible for love life and married life) and its lord planet should be analyzed.
Second house (house responsible for overall family life) should be analyzed.
Fifth house (house responsible for childbirth and children) should be analyzed.
Condition of Venus (responsible for women in a man's life) should be checked in the chart of boy or man.
Condition of Mars (responsible for men in a woman's life) should be checked in the chart of the girl or woman.
Condition of Mercury should be analyzed as condition of Mercury indicates about communication skills and patience level in a person.
Ongoing Antardashas and Mahadashas in the lives of both should be taken into consideration by analyzing their horoscopes. Because sometimes it has been observed that marriage done in dasha of some bad planet either in boy's or girl's life affects married life negatively.
If charts of both are present in a good condition from the above mentioned point of views then automatically married life will be successful. However if charts of anyone or both are present weak from these point of views then naturally married life will be problematic. No one knows who gave concepts of 36-Goon Milan, Manglik Yoga, Nadi Dosha, Gana Dosha & Bhakut Dosha for birth chart compatibility (or birth chart love compatibility or birth chart marriage compatibility). These concepts are not part of ancient Indian Vedic Astrology and are not mentioned any where in Sage Parashara's scriptures (Note: - Sage Parashara is considered the father of predictive part of Indian Vedic Horoscope Astrology). In spite of doing a match using these concepts and tying a marital knot at some particular Muhurata, its seen quite often that marriages end up in a bitter divorce. If somebody wants to verify this then he should go straight to family court where cases of divorce are fought and he'll come to know the truth. So these concepts are not useful.