Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer

How to read Kundli for marriage,
How to read Kundli for career

sample birthchart

How to read Kundli for career /
How to read Kundli for marriage

How to read Kundli for marriage & career etc.: -

Check the accuracy of birth details: -

Before reading a Kundli or horoscope, it is crucial to verify the accuracy of the inputs provided by the client, including the date, month, year, time, and place of birth. It is necessary to inquire with the client regarding the place of birth, whether it was in a hospital or at home, and if it was at home, who recorded the birth details. This step is of utmost importance as incorrect birth details can lead to inaccurate calculations, generating erroneous birth charts and Vedic horoscopes, ultimately resulting in incorrect interpretations and predictions. Kindly go through the following webpage to know what inputs should be taken from a client: - Inputs required

Check the power of planets: -

To analyze a horoscope, begin by generating a birth chart and examining the degrees of the Ascendant (Lagna) and planets. Planets at 0 or 29 degrees are considered weak as they lie on the boundary of two zodiac signs. If the Ascendant is at 0 or 29 degrees, the person's characteristics will determine the serving zodiac sign, requiring precise time and place of birth.

Next, assess the power of the Moon in the chart by its distance from the Sun. If the Moon is more than 4 houses apart from the Sun, it is considered powerful. If it is 4 houses apart, it is average, and less than 4 houses means it is weak. The Moon cannot be more than 7 houses apart from the Sun, reaching a full moon phase at 7 houses, approximately 100% in phase.

Identify retrograde (vakriya) and combust (aast) planets in the birth chart, noting that Mercury's combustion is less significant due to its proximity to the Sun.

Observe which planets are in their own zodiac signs, exalted (uchcha), debilitated (neecha), in friend or enemy signs.

Evaluate the power of planets in specific directions (Dikbali). Jupiter and Mercury are powerful in the 1st house, Sun and Mars in the 10th, Moon and Venus in the 4th, and Saturn in the 7th. However, caution must be exercised when analyzing Saturn's power in the 7th house, as it can still negatively impact marriage, relationships, and love life.

Calculate the current age of the individual and analyze the planetary periods (Mahadashas and Antardashas). Understanding these periods is gained through experience and interaction with clients. Working for free initially can help gain experience and publicity. Knowledge increases by correlating past events narrated by clients with the ongoing planetary periods in their lives.

To analyze a specific house in the chart, consider the zodiac sign present in that house, the position of its ruling planet in the chart, accompanying and aspecting planets, as well as the planets present in that house.

Identify any planetary exchanges, planetary combinations in a house, planetary aspects, and mutual aspects. Look for the presence of auspicious combinations (Rajyog) in the birth chart.

The best way to learn astrology is to collect birth details of people around us, generate their horoscopes using reliable astrology software, and analyze them. Pay attention to their life events and characteristics.

Learning astrology takes time and continuous effort. The more horoscopes analyzed, the more knowledge is acquired. Reading and understanding Sage Parashara's book "Laghu Parashari," consisting of 42 verses, is recommended.

Note: For further knowledge, explore other topics available on this astrology website. Also, refer to the horoscope of Sh. Amitabh Bachchan and its analysis provided on this site.

How to analyze a house in an Indian Vedic Horoscope Chart?

To analyze a house in astrology, focus on the zodiac sign present in that house and the placement of its ruling planet in the chart (which house and zodiac sign it occupies). Consider the planets accompanying and aspecting this ruling planet, as well as the planets present in the house under examination and the planets aspecting it.

Next, observe if any planets have exchanged zodiac signs in the birth chart, the planets collectively present in a house, the planets aspecting other planets, and the mutual aspects between planets. Look for the presence of auspicious combinations (Rajyog) in the birth chart.

The best way to learn astrology is to gather birth details of individuals around us, such as family members, relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues, and generate their horoscopes using reliable astrology software. Prepare their horoscopes on paper and maintain a register. Analyze their horoscopes while paying attention to their life events and characteristics.

Learning to read horoscopes takes time and cannot be done all at once. The more horoscopes we analyze, the more we learn, and there is no limit to learning in this subject. Every astrology student should strive to understand the translation of the book "Laghu Parashari" written by Sage Parashara, which consists of 42 verses.

Note: To acquire more knowledge, explore other topics available on this astrology website thoroughly. Also, refer to the horoscope of Sh. Amitabh Bachchan and its analysis provided on this site.

How to read Kundli for marriage / How to read Horoscope for marriage: -

Dr. A.S. Kalra suggests that horoscope matching, or compatibility analysis for marriage, cannot guarantee a complete alteration of a person's destiny concerning married life, family life, and childbirth. However, it can potentially bring about some improvements. If the person's destiny appears favorable in terms of married life, family life, and childbirth, that is considered satisfactory. Nevertheless, it is still essential to check the horoscope of the prospective alliance, as the individual may suffer post-marriage due to the weak planetary influences of their partner. When analyzing the client's chart, if the planets related to married life, family life, and childbirth are deemed weak, it is not possible to completely alter their destiny. However, efforts can be made to improve their situation by finding a suitable alliance. It is noteworthy that even in such cases, the client may reject a suitable alliance based on physical appearance, or the alliance may reject the client, or both parties may mutually reject each other. Changing a client's destiny is often a challenging task and cannot be accomplished without the blessings of a higher power.

Frauds or mistakes by other party: - It has been observed that during horoscope matching, there are instances where the other party intentionally provides incorrect birth details to conceal the age of their son or daughter, or due to inaccurate recording of birth information. In such cases, the astrologer is limited to working with the birth details provided by the client and cannot rectify the situation. Sometimes, the other party may even consult another astrologer to manipulate the birth details of their bachelor boy or girl, aiming to enhance the planetary positions in their charts to ensure acceptance of their marriage proposal. In these situations, astrologers may be offered additional money to engage in such dishonest practices. It is important to mention that Dr. A.S. Kalra, in the past, has received such requests from clients and has firmly declined to work with such individuals.

When it comes to evaluating a marriage proposal or alliance (referred to as Janampatri matching or Janampatrika Milan), Dr. A.S. Kalra does not give importance to the traditional 36-Goon Milan (or 36-Guna Milan), Manglik Yoga, Nadi Dosha, Gana Dosha, and Bhakut Dosha. According to Dr. A.S. Kalra, instead of following these conventional practices rooted in Indian society, it is more beneficial to analyze the charts of both the male and female individuals from various perspectives, such as married life, family life, childbirth, temperament, nature, and behavior. This approach aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of compatibility rather than relying solely on superstitions.

Unfortunately, some families strongly believe in these concepts and have deeply ingrained superstitions due to the influence of their elders practicing these beliefs from their early childhood. Consequently, they feel compelled to utilize these concepts during compatibility analysis before marriage. Otherwise, they may live in constant fear that something negative will occur after marriage. If any unfavorable events do transpire due to other astrological factors or reasons such as weaknesses in the house of marriage, family life, childbirth, their ruling planets, or the influence of Venus in the husband's chart and Mars in the wife's chart, or the presence of unfavorable planetary periods (dasha), these individuals tend to directly attribute it to issues like Guna, Manglik, Bhakut, Gana, Nadi, or blame it on not having chosen the right Muhurata for the wedding. Unfortunately, these deep-rooted superstitions are challenging to eradicate from the minds of such individuals, and it is worth noting that even many celebrities in India hold these beliefs strongly.

It is merely a matter of chance that certain marriages ending in bitter divorces coincide with the presence of Manglik or Guna issues in the charts of the husband and wife. In reality, the root of the problem lies in the seventh house, which is responsible for marriage and married life, along with its ruling planet. Additionally, the second house, governing overall family life, and its ruling planet may also contribute to the issues. Challenges regarding childbirth after marriage are not caused by Nadi Dosha, but rather by the influence of malefic planets on the fifth house, which is associated with childbirth or children, as well as its ruling planet.

According to Dr.A.S.Kalra charts of both the client as well as alliance have to be analyzed from the following point of views: -

Seventh house (house responsible for love life and married life) and its lord planet should be analyzed.
Second house (house responsible for overall family life) should be analyzed.
Fifth house (house responsible for childbirth and children) should be analyzed.
Condition of Venus (responsible for women in a man's life) should be checked in the chart of boy or man.
Condition of Mars (responsible for men in a woman's life) should be checked in the chart of the girl or woman.
Condition of Mercury should be analyzed as condition of Mercury indicates about communication skills and patience level in a person.

It is important to consider the ongoing Antardashas and Mahadashas in the lives of both individuals when analyzing their horoscopes for compatibility. Sometimes, marriages conducted during the dasha (planetary period) of a malefic planet in either the boy's or girl's life can have a negative impact on their married life. If both individuals' charts are favorable in terms of the aforementioned factors, their married life is likely to be successful. However, if either or both charts are weak in these regards, marital issues may arise. The concepts of 36-Goon Milan, Manglik Yoga, Nadi Dosha, Gana Dosha, and Bhakut Dosha for birth chart compatibility, love compatibility, or marriage compatibility are not ancient Indian Vedic Astrology principles and are not mentioned in Sage Parashara's scriptures. (Note: Sage Parashara is regarded as the father of the predictive aspect of Indian Vedic Horoscope Astrology.) Despite matching charts based on these concepts and selecting an auspicious Muhurata for marriage, it is often observed that marriages still end in bitter divorces. To verify this, one can visit family courts where divorce cases are litigated, revealing the truth. Therefore, these concepts are not reliable or useful indicators of compatibility.

Horoscope matching is just one aspect of marriage. A successful married life is built on compromise, requiring patience from both husband and wife. Marriage does not diminish problems; in fact, responsibilities and challenges often increase after tying the knot. However, many people still choose to marry because living alone can also be difficult for many individuals. In India, societal pressure and the fear of the complications involved in legal divorce proceedings often contribute to making marriages work. In most cases, marriage marks the end of a love story rather than the beginning, contrary to popular perception.

In Hindu or Sikh religions, there is no inherent concept of divorce. Once a couple is married, separation is believed to only occur through death. The idea of 'Talaaq' originated in India during Muslim rule, and the concept of divorce was introduced during English rule. In recent decades, divorce has become more prevalent even among Hindu or Sikh couples, especially since the globalization of India. However, the divorce rate remains relatively low, still below 10%, in comparison to Western countries where it exceeds 50%. The increasing influence of Western culture on Indian society is often linked to a higher divorce rate in India. The success or failure of a marriage is significantly influenced by the mindset of both the husband and wife. A Western mindset in either or both partners increases the likelihood of divorce, while an Indian mindset enhances the chances of a successful marriage. It is important to recognize that astrology alone does not determine the outcome of a marriage.

Kindly also read the following web pages carefully: -
Love Marriage vs Arrange Marriage What is true love? Various reasons of divorce in India Indian Culture vs Western Culture

How to read Kundli for Career / How to read Horoscope for Career: -

When malefic planets such as Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, or Sun are connected with the 5th house, which represents education, individuals tend to exhibit a technical inclination and excel in careers related to technology. On the other hand, if Venus is associated with the fifth house in the birth chart (kundli), individuals are often successful in careers related to life sciences, pharmacy, or the arts.

When Mercury is strongly positioned in a birth chart, it bestows individuals with excellent communication skills, marketing abilities, and management aptitude. Those with a strong Mercury condition can consider pursuing careers in law, commerce, accounts, or entrepreneurship. Similarly, a strong Jupiter condition in a birth chart enhances teaching skills. To ensure a successful career growth, it is beneficial for the tenth and eleventh houses, along with their ruling planets, to be in a robust condition. Additionally, if the ninth house is also well-positioned, it greatly contributes to an individual's overall success.

When multiple planets are positioned in the 8th house of a birth chart (kundli), it signifies an analytical mind in individuals. Such people have the ability to think deeply and engage in research work, not limited to the field of Science and Technology. It can extend to the arts as well, as exemplified by Sh. Amitabh Bachchan, who possesses four planets in the 8th house and is considered a natural Ph.D. in the acting field. Similarly, philosopher Osho Rajneesh had six planets in the 8th house of his chart, showcasing his profound intellectual capabilities.

In the modern corporate world, the condition of the third house is crucial for achieving success. The third house in a birth chart governs social contacts and friendships. It indicates the ability to establish positive relationships with others. Individuals with a strong third house maintain better connections with their colleagues, superiors, and subordinates, enabling them to thrive in any organization. They are less affected by office politics or organizational dynamics. In today's world, hard work, knowledge, and dedication alone may not guarantee smooth professional growth or a successful career if one is vulnerable to organizational politics. Conversely, some individuals who may not work as diligently or possess extensive subject knowledge may achieve rapid promotions due to their adeptness in managing office politics and maintaining favorable relationships with their superiors.

Individuals with a strong third house can consider exploring career opportunities in the army or police, as the third house is associated with courage. They may also try their luck in politics if the line of fate in their palm turns towards the mount of Jupiter after crossing the mind line or heart line. Thousands of years ago, when Astrology originated in India, there were only a handful of professions available. However, in the past two centuries since industrialization, numerous new professions have emerged. In the past two decades of globalization, new professions continue to emerge, with many more expected in the future. It is now challenging to compile a comprehensive list of professions worldwide. When people seek advice from astrologers about suitable professions, both the inquirers and the astrologers may not be aware of every profession available today. If an individual consults ten different astrologers regarding their suitable profession, it is highly likely that the answers received would vary.

Dr. A.S. Kalra suggests that twin brothers with identical horoscopes are not likely to pursue the same or similar professions. When analyzing a person's horoscope, it is not possible to provide a precise answer regarding the profession in which they will excel. An astrologer can only predict favorable periods for career growth or advise on starting a new business. They can also guide individuals on whether it is suitable to engage in partnership ventures or not. However, the specific profession a person chooses is not determined solely by their horoscope.

According to Dr. A.S. Kalra, destiny holds significant power, and when the appropriate phase of time begins in a person's life, destiny naturally propels them into a suitable field. Highly successful individuals, such as Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Sachin Tendulkar, Dhirubhai Ambani, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Thomas A Edison, Barack Obama, Lata Mageshkar, and many others, did not enter their respective careers based on astrological advice. Instead, their destiny guided them into their chosen paths when the right time unfolded in their lives. Achieving the remarkable heights in their careers that these individuals have attained is a matter of destiny, which astrologers could not have predicted earlier. It is only now, as they have achieved great success, that astrologers can make connections with their planetary positions. However, the crucial point remains that no astrologer could have predicted their future accomplishments when these individuals were still unknown.

Therefore, the optimal approach is to let time run its course. Time has the ability to reveal which path an individual will excel in if excelling in a particular profession is part of their destiny. Unfortunately, there are also numerous individuals who are unable to attain success in any profession throughout their lifetime. Certain people begin experiencing career success much later, after reaching the ages of 30, 35, or even 40. Hence, it is predominantly a matter of destiny combined with diligent effort.

Answer given to a client via email when he inquired regarding selection of some appropriate profession: -

Dear Sir,

During the advent of Vedic Astrology many millennia ago, the range of professions available was far more limited compared to the diverse array present in modern times. Over the past couple of centuries, and especially in recent decades, an abundance of new professions have emerged, making it incredibly challenging to compile a comprehensive list of all the available careers in the world today. Furthermore, remarkably successful individuals seldom sought guidance from astrologers to determine which profession would suit them best. Instead, their destiny guided them towards a specific vocation or even multiple professions.

Today many billionaires are running businesses or industries simultaneously in multiple fields without asking astrologers.

Now, allow me to share something intriguing with you: Seeking advice from an astrologer regarding a suitable profession can impede creativity. Consider the following examples: Thomas Alva Edison, renowned for his invention of the electric bulb. If Edison's parents had consulted an astrologer during his childhood, it is highly unlikely that the astrologer would have predicted his future invention.

Similarly, so many inventions and so many discoveries have taken place in the past some centuries and no astrologer could predict them beforehand by seeing the horoscopes of those discoverers and inventors.

Similarly, let's consider another fascinating example. You must be familiar with Facebook, a prominent social media platform on the internet. You may also know about the young man behind its programming, Mark Zuckerberg. Now, if Mark Zuckerberg's parents had consulted an astrologer during his childhood, hoping to determine a suitable profession for him at a young age, it is highly improbable that any astrologer could have predicted his future creation of a social media site like Facebook. It's worth noting that when Mark Zuckerberg was born in the 1980s, computers were still in their early stages of development, and the general public had not yet embraced their usage. The internet and smartphones were non-existent, and the concept of social media had not yet come into existence.

Now, let me share my personal example with you. I pursued Computer Engineering up to the Master's level, never suspecting that my destiny would lead me to become a full-time astrologer. Likewise, consider the current Prime Minister of India, who emerged from a humble background and started as a tea seller in his childhood. No astrologer could have predicted that he would eventually rise to the position of Prime Minister. Similarly, Abraham Lincoln, a former President of the United States, also hailed from a disadvantaged background. These examples highlight that numerous similar instances can be found around us, where individuals' destinies took unexpected turns, defying any astrological predictions.

During this period of uncertainty, I suggest placing greater trust in your intuition and intelligence rather than seeking answers from an astrologer, as Astrology has its inherent limitations. It is akin to a situation in the past, many years ago, when you entered a profession at a young age without consulting any astrologer. Remarkably, your destiny guided you towards that specific career path.

If you were to pose the question about the most suitable profession for your future to 10 different astrologers today, I am confident that each of them would provide you with varying answers, likely based on their speculative interpretations. Their aim would be to showcase their intelligence and expertise. However, it is certain that the responses from these 10 astrologers would not align with one another.

My suggestion is to trust your own intuition, utilize your intelligence, and engage in thoughtful contemplation. However, it's important not to burden your mind excessively. Simply observe and be patient. With the passage of time, the answer regarding which profession you should pursue will naturally reveal itself to you. I can only emphasize that the power of time is currently guiding you towards a potential change in your profession, as predetermined in my perspective. If you have experienced struggles and losses in the past few years, it was also part of your destined journey, influenced by a negative phase. These events unfolded without your conscious intent and have now set the stage for a potential career shift. Similarly, if positive developments are destined to occur in the future, they will undoubtedly manifest. Our lives flow much like a river, unaware of the new direction it will take in the next moment. Just like how you encountered a young girl in your youth, fell in love with her, married her, and she became your wife—all unfolding naturally without prior planning.

So just wait and watch !

An open letter emailed to an Astrology student by Dr.A.S.Kalra: -

(after the student finished the course and went back to his country)

Dear Astrology Student,

There is absolutely no need for you to feel anxious about pursuing a career as an astrologer. As promised, I am here to assist you in establishing yourself in this field. Therefore, there is no reason to worry. In this email, I will share various techniques with you:

For the next 6 months to a year, it would be beneficial to practice on weekends without charging any fees. This period will allow you to learn, research, and gain experience. If you have available time on weekdays, you can also attend to clients during evening hours. It is important to accumulate some experience before you start charging fees.

While interacting with clients, you will notice that many of them will share their life stories and past experiences. Your task will be to correlate these events with their mahadasha-antardasha and birth chart. Avoid analyzing charts solely on a computer screen; instead, use pen and paper alongside your computer software. Consider drawing the client's birth chart or the entire horoscope on paper. You can utilize the horoscope format I have developed, designed for writing horoscopes on A4-size paper. Remember the algorithm I provided you for chart analysis, which can be found on my website.

In order to showcase your expertise, never rush through a horoscope analysis. Take your time to thoroughly examine each horoscope.

Begin the analysis of mahadasha-antardasha from the time the person concerned was 18-20 years old, taking into account their current age.

Every individual has primary life concerns, such as education, career (job or business), love life, marriage, married life, childbirth, financial condition, property (land and/or house), material assets, and health issues.

Your clients will also serve as teachers in their own ways, as you will learn a great deal from them. Be an attentive listener when they share their thoughts and experiences. Some may become emotional while describing their past sufferings. It is important to show empathy and attentiveness when dealing with clients.

After practicing for approximately one year or analyzing around 500 horoscopes, you will be ready to launch yourself as a professional astrologer and start charging fees. Initially, it would be wise to set a lower fee that is easily affordable for everyone. As each subsequent year passes, you can gradually increase your fees. For instance, when I started practicing as an astrologer in India, I charged Rs. 50/- per horoscope initially. After one year, I increased it to Rs. 100/- per horoscope, and in the third year, it became Rs. 150/- per horoscope, and so on.

Once you start charging fees, you will encounter smart clients who may try to seek answers over the phone instead of visiting you. In such cases, handle the situation wisely by informing them that you are very busy and kindly request that they send their inquiries via email. When they send an email, you can ask them to deposit the fee into your bank account if they wish to receive answers over the phone or to schedule an appointment to meet you in person at your office.

In public places or social gatherings, you may encounter clever individuals who will describe their charts orally to seek your views without wanting to spend money. In such situations, politely explain that horoscope analysis is a complex matter that requires time and concentration. To handle these cases, ask them technical questions such as which planets are combust in their chart or which ones are exalted or on the boundary. You will find that they are unable to answer many of these questions. Provide them with your visiting card and suggest that they schedule a visit to your chamber after making a prior appointment.

There will be some individuals who may try to discourage you by expressing dissatisfaction with your work, even if you have performed excellently. These cunning individuals may

Astrologically Yours