Kemdrum Yog in Astrology or Jyotish

Kemdrum Yog in Jyotish or Astrology
By: - Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer
Kemdrum Yog in Astrology: -
Kemdrum Yog in Astrology or Jyotish is present in a horoscope or kundli when there is no planet present (except Rahu & Ketu) in I, II or XII house in Chandra Kundli of the person. But this yog gets cancelled if Guru or Shukra sees the Chandra or if Chandra is present in Kendra (I, IV, VII, X houses) or Trikon sthaans (V, IX houses). This yog works especially when Moon is present in VI, VIII or XII houses of the birth chart. This yog is not considered as good and said to make the life of a person directionless regards to his family life.In Vedic astrology, Kemdrum Yoga, also known as Kemadruma Yoga or Kemadruma Dosha, is considered an inauspicious yoga that can impact a person's life negatively. It occurs when there are no planets (except for the Sun and Moon) on either side of the Moon in a birth chart. In other words, it happens when there are no planets in the 2nd or 12th house from the Moon.
The presence of Kemdrum Yoga in a birth chart is believed to indicate a lack of support, emotional instability, and difficulties in various areas of life. Some of the potential effects attributed to Kemdrum Yoga include:
Emotional Turmoil: Individuals with Kemdrum Yoga may experience emotional instability, mood swings, and a general sense of loneliness or isolation.
Financial Challenges: This yoga is often associated with financial difficulties and struggles. It may indicate a lack of wealth, setbacks in monetary matters, or inconsistent income.
Relationship Issues: Kemdrum Yoga can affect one's relationships, leading to difficulties in forming or maintaining harmonious connections with others. It may cause challenges in romantic partnerships, friendships, or family relationships.
Health Concerns: Individuals with Kemdrum Yoga may be more susceptible to health issues and may experience a lack of vitality or energy. However, it's important to consider other factors in the chart to assess the overall health picture.
It's worth mentioning that Kemdrum Yoga is considered a significant affliction in Vedic astrology, but its effects can be mitigated or nullified by other positive combinations or influences in the birth chart. Additionally, the strength and placement of other planets in the chart play a role in determining the overall impact of this yoga.
To alleviate the potential negative effects of Kemdrum Yoga, various astrological remedies can be suggested, such as chanting specific mantras, performing rituals, wearing gemstones, or engaging in acts of charity. Consulting with an experienced Vedic astrologer can provide a more personalized analysis of Kemdrum Yoga in your birth chart and offer guidance on suitable remedies or mitigating measures.