Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar

Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar, India

Patanjali Yogpeeth | Divya Yog Mandir (Trust)
(Haridwar, India)
Patanjali Yogpeeth in Uttaranchal is one of the most popular Yoga institutes in the world. The institute has been set up for treatment and research in Yoga and Ayurved. It proudly features world's largest out patient department or OPD which will cater to 6 to 10 thousand patients everyday.
The Yoga and wellbeing institute has been founded with several aims and objectives. The prime among all the objectives is to make the world disease free with the help of scientific approach to Ayurved and Yoga. Apart from OPD, Patanjali Yogpith in Haridwar also features an IPD and a huge pathological laboratory research and treatment with the help of Yoga and Ayurved. The premier institute is located on the Delhi-Haridwar National Highway, in close proximity to Bahadrabad.
Swami Shankardev ji
Swami Shankardev ji is a Patron and Founder Trustee of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) and Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust). Born in 1930 in Almora district of Uttarakhand, he was very keen to become a sanyasi from the very beginning. From a very young age, he used to participate in satsangs of sadhus and sanyasis. At the age of 15 years, in 1945, he abandoned home and travelled with a group of sanyasis to various pilgrimage places and reached Hardwar. Here he came in contact of great saint Swami Kripaludevji Maharaj. He is a direct disciple of Swami Kripaludevji Maharaj. He took sanyas diksha from Swami Inderdev on Ganga Dussehra of 1958.
Since February 1968, he is living in Vishva Gyan Mandir (better known as Kripalu Bagh Ashram, the registered office of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust)). This is a blessed place as it is the place where Swami Kripaludevji Maharaj - his Guru and an active worker of freedom struggle of India, did penance.
Swami Shankardevji is a great spiritual personality. He is the guru of world renowned Yogrishi Swami Ramdevji Maharaj. Swami Ramdevji Maharaj took sanyas diksha from Swamiji in 1995. He is actively involved in all activities of trust.
Yog Guru Swami Ramdev ji (Baba Ramdev ji)
Swami Ramdev Haridwar
Reverred Swami Ramdevji Maharaj, a celibate since childhood, is well versed in Sanskrit Grammar, Ayurved and Vedic Philosophy. A strong proponent of Indian cultural values, his services in the field of cow-breeding, research in the field of Ayurved and his practical approach of Yog has won him several thousands of admirers throughout India and made him a living symbol of Indian culture.
His detachment to worldly happiness and devotion to scholar service has made him a phenomenon in the saintly world. Revered Swami Shankardevji Maharaj got him initiated in the ascetic order on the sacred banks of River Ganga.
He has taught Ashtadhyayee, Mahabhashya, Upanishads alongwith six systems of Indian Philosophy in a couple of Gurukuls (traditional Indian systems of education). Besides, during his travels in the Himalayan mountains, he performed severe austerities inthe caves of Gangotri for the realisation of SELF and acquired several uncommon capabilities.
With the blessings of Reverred Swami Shankardevji Maharaj, he, in association with his learned companions, Acharya Balkrishan Maharaj, a great scholar and famous Ayurvedic physician & others established Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) in 1995 of Kankhal, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
He, while in the state of sadhna, has been guiding several service projects of medical, spritual and educational pursuits through this trust then. Reverred Swamiji Maharaj, who has unfurled the flag of Yog on top, cures about two lakh patients per month with his spiritual energy in his Yog Camps.
Over twenty lakh people from all parts of country and abroad derive benefit from live and vibrating science of Yog by taking part in Yog camps every year, which helps in building a prosperous, disease free new India.
Nearly 250 million viewers of our country and abroad, have a close association with the age old Science of Yog and Pranayam through AASTHA INTERNATIONAL, SAHARA, INDIA TV & STAR NEWS TV channels.
Revered Swami Ramdevji Maharaj with his extraordinary talent, great patriotism and deep leanings towards our ancient culture and traditions is establishing Patanjali Yogpeeth, an institution for social and scientific research and treatment in Yog, Spiritualism and Ayurved through which more than twnty lakh patients of various ailments would derive benefit year.
He has a dream of disease free world. This, he plans to achieve with the help of the ancient science of Yog , which he feels will bring peace and happiness to mankind and will bring an end to the unethical business of weapons and allopathic medicines.
Revered Swamiji is leading the pious work of organising the Indian society divided on caste, creed, religion, region and sex, to establish India as a superpower.
He considers yeoman service as real dharam (religion). He envisages India as "Vishwa Guru" (Teacher of the world) which can become true only if every citizen realises his duties and responsibilities towards the nation. May the science of Yog expand virtues of consciousness, morality and brotherhood of human beings such that everyone sees his own consciousness in all creatures and spreads fraternity and global brotherhood.
It is divine wonder to see Revered Swami Ramdevji Maharaj in the hearts of millions of people not only of our country but also the world. He is fully committed to the reestablishment of scientific techniques, pious powers and moral values in our society. Millions of people are offering their services and wealth at the altar of Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust) & University of Patanjali established by him to fulfill his resolution.
The real place of worship is the human body for Swami Ramdevji Maharaj, for he claims, my God lives in a man, as 'the temple in shape of a man' is built by Almighty himself". The service of fellow beings, in addition to Atamsadhna (self control) and Brahmasadhana (meditation) is his worship.
He considers moral acts of love and affection for human beings a true worship of the Creater. Revered Swami Ramdevji Maharaj, an aposite of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' (the world as one family) proves it true by accepting and practicing the world as his house and every citizen as his family member.
According to Swami Ramdevji Maharah, "Our objective is to establish a new world health order that redefines the lives of human beings across the globe for peaceful sustenance , by making the world free from the fatal effects of medicines and rid sufferings from diseases and pains".
Acharya Balkrishan ji Maharaj
Acharya Balkrishan Haridwar
The modern science of medicine (allopathic system) has failed to cure a number of diseases of the present times. Inspite of scientific researches, treatment of many diseases has failed to bear any fruit and such diseases are, therefore, being considered as incurable. The methods of treatment developed so far, only take care of the manifested symptoms like pain etc. The don't eradicate the health problem from root level. After subsidence, such symtoms reappear. Some diseases have been declared as incurable viz. diabetes, rheumatism, osteo-arthritis, gout (rheumatism & arthritis), migraine, cervical spondylitis, respiratory disorders, asthma, cancer, nervous disorders, heart disorders & diseases of brain like epilepsy etc.
For such diseases, which are considered incurable in the modern medical systems, the ancient sages had prescribed successful treatment. In line with such prescriptions, indepth study of the classic texts, and with the grace of God, works related to upliftment, development and research in the field of Ayurveda, have been undertaken with full dedication by the Brahmakalpa Chikitsalaya (hospital) run by Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) situated on the banks of river Ganga in Kripalu Bagh Ashram, Kankhal, Haridwar. These have now shifted to the Department of Medical Science & Research in Yog & Ayurved at the newly established Patanjali Yogpeeth on the Delhi-Haridwar National Highway, near Bahadarabad, Haridwar. Among the major service projects run by the institution, Yog services project is under the able guidance of the ascetic Yogrishi Swami Ramdevji Maharaj , whereas the Ayurvedic treatment and research work is being carried on under the able supervision of Acharya Balkrishanji Maharaj. By his selfless services from day to night, the most venerable & adorable Acharya Balkrishanji Maharaj is providing immense relief to millions of patients suffering from innumerable physical & mental ailments and is also guiding them in practicing the art of enjoying a healthy, disease-free and blissful life. Infact he is a sparkling star on the horizon of the Ayurvedic Medical world.
A post graduate in Sankhya Yog & Ayurved from Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Varanasi, he has also studied 'Panninie Vyakaran' alongwith Sanskrit. Indian Philosophy, the Vedas and the Upanishads, delved into the recesses of the Charak Samahita, Ashtang Hriday, Bhaishajya Ratnavali & several other Ayurvedic compositions under the Acharya Baldevji in Gurukul Kalwa, Haryana. He has practiced tremendous austerities in the caves of Himalayas in the nineties alongwith Swami Ramdevji and explored the near extinct varieties of Ashtavarga plants which are the main components of Chyavanprash, an Ayurvedic tonic. These Ashtavarga plant species had been in oblivion because of the lack of any proper written details in old records of various 'Nighantu' books. He has reproved the necessity of research to revive the Ashtavarga therapy for the benefit of mankind. The revival of many rear species of medicinal plant like Jatamansi, Katuki etc. found only at the high altitudes in his objective. By penance, practice and intense research on the pious herbs of the Himalayas, he has for the first time in the world, discovered many a permanent cure for complicated diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, osteo-arthritis etc. By relieving the pain of the grief-stricken man by means of medical treatment, he is proving himself true to the dictum of the ancient sages: "Kamaye dukhataptanam praninam artinasanam".
During the full year, about one to one and a half lac patients are being benefited by coming to Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) and many more people are being cured of various ailments by using the medicines manufactured in the Divya Pharmacy, a unit of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) after receiving the same through postage etc. Acharya Balkrishan Maharaj ji is the Chairman of Divya Pharmacy & looks after all of its activities from research to production.
Acharyaji as always engaged in the Ayurvedic treatment of both curable and incurable disease, curing lacs of people, his compassionate heart, polite behaviour, abundant love and a sympathetic attitude has been a source of positive thinking and divine inspiration for inumerable people. This has also helped them their spiritual upliftment in life.
Acharyaji has associated with himself a strong team of about 150 able physicians so as to cope with the humanitarian work on a large scale, which is proving beneficial not only to the whole of India but also to people of many other countries, including learned celebrated people and the common man. Even senior physicians of the renowned medical institutions of India come here for treatment and for referring such cases of patients who suffer from incurable disease & whose effective treatment is not available anywhere else in the world.
The following Vedic reference in respect of a physician applies fully to him: Ayam me hasto Bhagvan, ayam me hasto Bhagavattarah".
Acharya Balkrishanji has also editied book's like Aushadh Darshan, Jeevaniya and Vayasthapan Paudhe, Vedic Nityakarma Vidhi, Yog Darshan, Sant Darshan, Bhakti Geetanjali. Beside he is incharge of all affairs of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) & Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust) as the General Secretary. His watchful eyes are always set on the grand work of establishment of Patanjali Yogpeeth & Divya Pharmacy on international standards for indepth & extensive research work in Yog & Ayurved.
According to Acharya Balkrishanji Maharaj, "We already have thousands of patients thronging Patanjali Yogpeeth everyday for medical attention and are getting relief from various ailments. Our endeavour is to treat them bases upon the doctorines of Ayurveda after a systematic and scientific investigation bases on modern medical parameters of diagnostics and evaluation, hence integrating the modern and ancient systems of medicine. We will use a new integrated approach to treatment based upon extensive research, mainly consisting of techniques of Yog & Ayurved, using Allopathy for emergency cases, Homoeopathy, Unani and Acupressure systems of medicines to relieve patients of unbearable pains. Such services will be aimed at all and accesible even to poorest."
Illustrious Past of Patanjali Yogpeeth | Divya Yog Mandir (Trust)
Divya Yog Ashram situated in the sacred land of Haridwar on the banks of the holy Ganges, was built in 1932 by the erudite scholar and godman Param Pujya Swami Kripaludevji Maharaj.
Concomitant with this noble struggle, Swami Kripaludevji alongwith another great spiritualist Swami Shraddhanand, the founder of the pure and chaste Hindus traditions of the "Gurukul Kangri", organized a movement of rejuvenation of the pristine Indian traditions and the renaissance of its glorius past whereby the country, its religion and all related aspects, after centuries of neglect, were rediscovered and extolled.
Shri Kripaludevji Maharaj was succeeded by his illustrious disciple Pujya Swami Shri Shankardevji Maharaj, well conversant with Vedic knowledge and an ardent advocate of noble human values. Swami founded the trust in 1995 alongwith his group of disciples and a few families to exalt the traditions and enrich the future.
Vision & Objectives of Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust)
1. To make a disease free world through a scientific approach to Yog and Ayurved.
2. To establish a new World Health Organization and fulfill the resolution of making a new world order - free from disease and medicine through research on the knowledge base of our great saints and sages viz. Maharshi Patanjali, Charak and Sushrut.
3. To establish with a scientific approach, pran (breath) as a medicine for the treatment of all curable and incurable diseases by extensive research in Pranayam/Yog.
4. To propagate Pranayam as a free medicine, for the treatment of diseases, across the globe, through in-depth research within the parameters of modern medical science. This will enable both the rich and poor to avail its benefts in order to attain sound health.
5. To make the world a peaceful and tranquil place by using yogic techniques to eradicate fatal effects of medicines and weapons.
6. To study and research the subjects of yajna, organic agriculture, cow urine, nature and environment in addition to the study and research in Yog & Ayurved at the research centre of the institution.
7. To form a new integrated system of treatment based on extensive research not only of the techniques of Yoga & Ayurveda but also use of Allopathy for surgery and emergency cases and other systems of medicine like Homoeopathy, Unani and Acupressure to soothe patients suffering from unbearable pains and rid them of diseases.
8. To evaluate methods of treating the physical, etheric, astral, mental and causal body beyond the present incomplete system of treatment which cures the physical body alone.
9. To begin degree and diploma courses in disciplines of Yoga & Ayurveda.
10. To set up an equalitarian society based upon values of spiritualism, nationalism and justice by going beyond the boundaries of cast, creed, class and religion for the country's development.
11. To create an environment in departments of education, health, armed forces, administration, industry and business that inspires them to adopt Yog as a regular & necessary practice.
12. To establish India as the strongest economic and cultural power in the world and provide an environment for every citizen of the world to live with pride.
13. To realize the dream of a healthy, strong, prosperous and advanced India, free from biases of the caste, creed, religion, region, corruption and violence through Yog.
14. To provide absolutely free lodging, boarding and medical treatment for the economically weaker sections of society.
Patanjali Yogpeeth University, Haridwar, India
Subjects and Courses The proposed institute which is under different phases of construction will feature University of Patanjali which will facilitate around 5000 students from all over the world and will help them in their research and study with excellent infrastructure. The students will be offered modern and classical job-oriented courses on subjects like Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Computer Science, Information Technology, Physiotherapy, Yoga and Medical Sciences.
Research Facilities for the students
Apart from offering different courses, the proposed university will also provide state of the art research facilities to the students. Some of the highlights of the research facilities offered in the proposed university at Patanjali Yogpeeth in Uttaranchal include:
Clinical trials and research in genetical disorders
Research on incurable diseases like diabetes, asthma, cancer and arthritis
Research in the field of medicinal plants
Research in Yoga, Ayurved, Naturopathy, Vedic Varna System, Vedic Shodash Sanskar and Agnihotra.
Pranayam Revolution at Patanjali Yogpeeth
Oxygen (Pran) we breathe fills our lungs, spreads in the entire body (internal and external including neurons, veins and arteries) providing it with essential food, energy, oxygen and gentle massage. Not only that the veins collect the dross elements from the body, take them to the heart and then to the lungs, which throws the useless materials like carbon dioxide and other fatal toxins out of the body through the act of exhalation.
Through pranayam and Meditation we attain a transcendental state of consciousness where the mind has no thoughts or impressions. In that state, our neuro-endocrine system becomes limbic-hypothalmic, pituitary, adrenal axis becomes strong and precise. As a result our stress hormones: - ACTH, cortisol, prolactin, adrenalin and noradrenaline go down and good hormones like beta endorphines, enkaphalins etc. go up. As a result stress-related diseases like hypertension, obesity, heart diseases etc. start reversing.
So do the cases of diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, leucoderma, depression, parkinson's, insomnia, migraine, thyroid, arthritis, cervical spondylitis, hepatitis, chronic renal disfailure, cancer, cirrhosis of liver, gas, constipation & acidity etc.
Spiritually speaking, with the support of respiration the mind peers into the inner world and enables the Sadhak (Practitioner) to experience divinity. It is with the objevtive that saints and sages of ancient times formulated different methods of Pranayam. Swamiji has exhumed the Indian ancestral Science of Pranayam from the grave of darkness, fear and monopoly of a few and presented it in the simplest form for the welfare of the mankind. Swamiji has devised a sequential practice of the seven Pranayams with allotted time periods periods for each which has become very well known. Millions have benefitted from this simple package of breath control exercises. Across strata from business establishments to government organisations, schools, colleges, judiciary, legislature etc. people have taken to pranayam under Swamiji's tutelage. It has become common place to see pranayam being practised at parks and gardens all over the country in morning and in evening.
Yog Science Camps at Patanjali Yogpeeth
The Divya Yog Mandir (trust) & Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust) holds Yog Science camps under the guidance of Swami Ramdevji Maharaj. Over 15 million people have benefitted so far from Yog Science camps conducted in India & abroad. Residential camps are organised at Haridwar in the monsoon months. Participants are given a complete health check-up before & after the camp. Boarding & lodging is completely organised by the trust and even a dietary regime is practised for participants during their stay. Non residential camps are organised with morning and evening sessions from winter through the summer season.
Patanjali Yog Committee, Haridwar/Hardwar
H.H. Swami Ramdevji Maharaj's dream is "Entirely healthy India & healthy world". Ours is a vast country. A large part of its population live in villages, where there is dearth of electricity. In addition, some places in urban areas like schools, colleges, religious places, administrative establishment & business houses etc. don't adopt Yog & Pranayam in their daily routine. H.H. Swami Ramdevji Maharaj intiated in the direction to spread the revolution of the Yog & Pranayam everywhere and he selected volunteers personally. Swami Ramdevji's then called trained Yog teachers to go their native places & teach this Science to people around them free of cost. About one lac Yog teachers are part of Patanjali Yog Committee now. They are teaching & training people in different parts of our country and abroad free of cost.
O.P.D. & I.P.D.
Department of Medical Science & Research in Yog and Ayurved
Patanjali Yogpeeth is an institution for scientific research and treatment in Yog, Spiritualism and Ayurveda with the world's largest OPD with a capacity of over six to ten thousand patients per day. It has commenced operations from April 2006 on the Delhi-Haridwar highway in Bahadarabad. Over 20 lakhs patients are expected to be treated every year. Also have IPD with over 500 beds.
A team of over 200 qualified doctors have been trained and are already attending to over 2500 patients daily. Free consultation is being done for all patients as well as medicines are made available to economically weaker persons at concessional rates.
Free Yogic & Ayurvedic Consultancy
through letters, phone, fax & email etc. Free Yogic & Ayurvedic Medical advice is provided daily to approximately one thousand patients through letters, fax, emails etc. 24 counsellors sort out various problems of people from different parts of the country and abroad from 6a.m. to 10a.m. daily over the phone.
Diagnostic & Research Centre
Inline with the objective of providing holistic treatment based on scientific investigation within modern medical parameters. This centre has been setup. It will provide comprehensive, high quality, rapid response diagnostic services at affordable prices. We hope disciplines of Biochemistry, Clinical Pathology, Hematology, Immunology, Microbiology & Serology, Endocrinology, Histopathology, Cytopathology and Immuno-Histochemistry. All these disciplines provide qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological fluids such as blood, serum, plasma, tissue, urine, stool, CSF etc. for specific constituents to support our doctors in treating patients.
We are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to offer our patients advanced testing and diagnostic capabilities with speed, accuracy and precision.
This has established, documented, implemented and maintained a Quality Management system (QMS) for smooth and efficient working of the organization. The QMS covers all laboratory functions and their interactions to ensure delievery of quality diagnostic investigation services to comply with patient requirements and expectation and improve continually its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001-2000 and WHO-GLP standards.
Radiology Research Centre
This centre is well equipped with imaging equipments to do a rapid and specific diagnosis by using least invasive procedure. Radiological testing facilities are provided by X-ray, Bone densitometry, IVP (Intravenous Pyelography), Arthropathy, Mammography, Cystourethrogram, Ultrasonography of abdomen, breast, general, hysterosonography, musculoskeletal, obstetic, prostate, thyroid, vascular & scrotum. It is also equpiped with CT-Scan & MRI.
Cardiology Research Centre
For heart patients, we've excellent laboratory facilities using latest and modern equipments. These include ECG (Echocardiography), TMT (treadmill), Angiography by CT-Scan & MRI, CT-Heart, MR-Cardiac and Ultrasonography of cadiovasculur system.
With the help of these facilities, we examine the functioning of the heart during a graded stress and do rapid diagnosis of various heart disorders including blockage of major blood vessels, cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, electrolyte disturbance, bundle branch block (conduction abnormally), ischaemic heart disease etc.
Panchkarma Therapy & Research Centre
Panchkarma is the primary healing modality within the ancient Ayurvedic Science. It offers balancing rejuvenation for mind, body and consciousness. We call this 'wellness', which is achieved through a series of unique, natural, holisitic, health giving, deep cleansing therapeutic treatments. These treatments rid the body of toxins and restore constitutional balance improving health, strengthening immunity, reversing negative effects of stresses which slow the ageing process and enhance self reliance, strength, energy, vitality and mental clarity.
Panchkarma means "five therapies". Only one or two of the five therapies are recommended and offered to each person on a Panchakarma program, determined by their unique constitution at birth (Prakrut) and current balance (Vikruti). The therapies work to remove toxins (Ama) from the body through one of the normal channels of elimination. However, Panchakarma is only effective after preparing the body for the removal of toxins (ama) by Purvakarma.
Our department of Panchakarma is going to establish new therapeutic methods adopting modern technology for the cure of incurable and chronic disorders where the modern allopathic system has failed.
Surgery through Ayurvedic ways
In ancient India, surgery was pioneered by Ayurved. 'Shalya Chikitsa' is a significant branch of Ayurvedic science. The practice of surgery has been recorded in India around 800B.C. This need not come as a surprise because surgery (Shastrakarma) is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine. The oldest treatise dealing with surgery is the Sushruta Samhita (Sushrut's compendium). Sushruta's forte was rhinoplasty (plastic surgery) and ophthalmology (ejection of cataracts). Sushrut has described surgery under eight heads: - Chedya (excision), Lekhya (scarification), Vedhya (puncturing),Esya (exploration), Ahiya (extraction), Vsraya (evacuation) and Sivya (Suturing). Topics of intestinal obstructions, bladder stones and the use of dead bodies for dissection and learning were taught and practised in ancient india.
In the Department of Shalya Tantra we'll provide facilities of Kshar Sutra Therapy for the management of Fistula and haemorrhoids, application of leech and blood letting for the treatment of incurable skin disorders etc. Karna Vedhan (piercing of the pinna of the ear), Agni Karma (Thermal cauterization).
Opthalmology and Research Centre For the first time opthalmology is being practiced with Ayurveda and we are pioneering this field. We have modern essential setup of opthalmic instrumentation for diagnosis and prognosis and evaluation of each case for ocular conditions specially Ayurvedic therapies for different eye disorders like age related degeneration, allergic conjuctivitis, rise in power of glasses, diabetic and hypertensive retinopathies etc. In this modern equipped Opthalmology Centre we are going to establish scientifically the knowledge of ancient India.
Dental Clinic and Research Centre
The department of dental sciences and research, vested with latest modern dental equipments, is now going to be the first of its type in the world, by adopting yogic and ayurvedic methodology, thus creating a new era in the history of dentistry.
In the ancient world, the practice of surgery and dental surgery has been recorded in Indian literature. Acharya Sushrut was the first to study human anatomy with the aid of post-mortem. He also performed general surgery, plastic surgery, opthalmic surgery and dental surgery. He described different types of dental and gum problems. Many surgical concepts and treatment of ancient ayurvedic science here also has been adopted. In the modern medical and surgical procedure.
With the advancement of modern dental scientific researches, the treatment system in dental surgery progressed so much, that in the present era, the tooth can be implanted in the oral cavity. The surgical implant denture (the fixed denture) can be given which is as good as the natural teeth. Mobile teeth caused by pyorrhea can be made firm by bone graft surgery and other procedures. Painful useless teeth can be saved by endodontic therapy but this would be our last resort to save the teeth by modern techniques for which we have purchased the latest modern equipments.
Our first effort would be to save the teeth by ancient traditional system of Yoga, Pranayam, Ayurved, Natural therapy and Physiotherapy. We are working on the ancient practices of Ayurveda, Pranayam and other allied specialities in the Department of dental sciences and research of Patanjali Yogpeeth Haridwar.
Yog Consultancy / Yoga Classes
A large auditorium where nearly 1000 persons can do Yogic exercises at a time is situated inside Patanjali Yogpeeth's premises where Yog classes are held free of cost at intervals of 1 hour at one hour interval.
Yajna / Jadi Buti Chikitsa
Yajna (Agnihotra) as a means of purifying the atmosphere, attainment of worldly pleasures, prosperity, inner tranquility and relief from miseries and diseases is performed daily in the Yajnashala situated in Patanjali Yogpeeth's premises as well as other premises owned by Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) & Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust).
Facilities at Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar
(i) Guest House/IPD
Facility of treatment and residence is also available in Indoor Patient Department (IPD) on the recommendation of Vaids. Facility of treatment and residence is also available to general public and honourable members in the guest house of Patanjali Yogpeeth. A small amount is charged for stay in the room, utilised for the maintenance and payment of electricity.
Rules for registration in Guest House / IPD:
(a) Rules for registration of residential facility for patients:
Any patient on the recommendation of Medical Officer / Vaidya can get registration of room for 10 days on payment of fee. If the patient needs to stay more, he can stay for 10 more days but the recommendation of Medical Officer / Vaidya will be needed again. Without recommendation of Medical Officer / Vaidya, registration for accomodation is not possible.
(b)Rules for registration of residential accomodation for the honourable members of Patanjali Yogpeeth: -
(1) All members - Apex members to ordinary members will be provided free accomodation for three days once in a year on preferential basis (first come, first serve).
(2) If any member wants to stay for more than three days, he may stay with the prior permission of competent authority on payment of fees.
(3) Apex, founder, patron and life members will be provided A.C. accomodation and dignified, respectable and general members will be provided Non-A.C. accomodation for three days.
(4) Special honourable and ordinary members will be provided Non-A.C. accomodation free of charge for three days on availability and preference. If they like A.C. accomodation they may convert it on extra payment.
(c) Rules of registration of accommodation in Patanjali Yogpeeth for visitors: Visitors, excluding patients and honourable members may get registration of accommodation for 3 days on payment of the fees. If they want to stay for more than 3 days, they can do so on the permission of competent authority.
(d) Rules for visitors of Patanjali Yogpeeth:
(1) Patanjali Yogpeeth is world class centre of treatment and research on Yog and Ayurved. Maintain peace and decorum.
(2) Wait for your turn during consultation for patient and purchase of medicines and articles.
(3) Drinking alcohol, consuming gutkha (tobacco) and smoking is strictly prohibited in the campus. If anybody is found guilty, strict action will be taken against him. Action may be taken against him under IPC provisions for drinking and smoking in public places.
(4) Use dustbin to dispose of gargbage in the campus of Patanjali Yogpeeth.
(5) Patanjali Yogpeeth is yours, please cooperate us in keeping it clean and hygenic.
(6) Don't spoil doors, walls and signboards.
(7) Touching of plants and plucking of flowers is strictly prohibited.
(8) Keep your vehicles in the parking area.
(9) Check properly your medicines, articles and money before leaving the counter.
(10) You can be asked to leave the campus immediately if you violate the rules or harm the organisation in any way.
(11) Except emergency nobody can go out or enter the campus during their stay in Patanjali Yogpeeth.
(12) Every person staying in Patanjali Yogpeeth is compulsarily required to be present in Yog class and other spiritual activities.
(13) Arrangement of refreshment and meals is in Annapurna. You can eat the food carried by you in annapurna.
(14) Keep clean the towels, blankets, pillow covers & bed sheets etc. Keep bathroom neat and clean. Use electricity and water according to your need and don't waste them.
(15) Walk attentively on the granite floor, as you may slip.
(16) Don't hang wet clothes on walls & doors etc.
(17) During the stay in the campus, take an oath of developing your life spiritually through Yog, Pranayam, Yog Prayers and Satsang.
Note: - During the stay in Yogpeeth, payment for refreshment and meals will be at extra cost.
Other facilities present at Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar:
(ii) Canteen - Variety of food items, snacks and sweets mostly made from pure desi ghee and organic food grains in a well equipped kitchen in hygenic conditions are served to visitors. Special menu for different category of patients is available.
(iii) Laundray - A big laundry equipped with most modern equipments has been arranged to manage washing and dryclean of linens within the campus.
(iv) ATM - PNB has setup an ATM in the campus for visitors for smooth withdrawl of cash. Facility of payment through debit and credit card is available in Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar.
(v) Cyber Cafe - A cyber cafe situated within the premises operates for about 16 hours.
(vi) Tour Operator, Railway & Air Ticket Booking facility (vii) Parking, Utilities & Cloak room - Free facility for vehicle parking, utilities and cloak room are available.
Yoga Sessions and Residential Arrangements
Patanjali Yog Peeth in Haradwar will feature Yoga camps for organizing Yoga sessions. There will be excellent accommodation arrangements for Yoga Sadhaks. The residential arrangements have been built for guests belonging to different classes and categories which include:
Very special guest category: Featuring air-conditioning and arrangements available for 500 persons
Special guest category: Featuring air-conditioning and arrangements available for 1000 persons
Medium category: Featuring air-conditioning and arrangements available for 1500 persons
Ordinary category: Featuring air-cooling system and arrangements available for 2000 persons
Some of the facilities which will be available to the visitors free of cost at Patanjali Yogpeeth in Uttaranchal include:
Free of cost Ayurvedic consultany in O.P.D. and I.P.D
Free of cost Ayurvedic treatment
Free of cost cloak room and retiring room
Free yoga classes at the interval of every one hour
Free parking facilities
Contact Details of Patanjali Yogpeeth
Maharishi Dayanand Gram, Delhi-Haridwar Highway near Bahadarabad, Haridwar - 249402 Uttarakhand, India
Phone Numbers: (0091) (01334) - 240008, 244107, 246737, 248888, 248999
Fax: (0091) (01334) - 244805, 240664
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.divyayoga.com