Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer

Retrograde Planets in Astrology
Vakriya or Vakri Grahas in Jyotish

Retrograde Planets in Astrology / Vakriya or Vakri Grahas in Jyotish

Retrograde Planets in Astrology /
Vakriya or Vakri Grahas in Jyotish: -

Vakriya or Vakri Grahas in Jyotish / Retrograde Planets in Astrology: -

Planets which seem to be moving in the opposite direction of their movement (when seen from Earth) in their respective orbits are termed as retrograde planets in Astrology or Vakriya (or Vakri) grahas in Jyotisha. In actual no planet moves in the opposite direction but since the Earth is also revolving around the Sun, due to which according to the concept of relative motion many times it seems that the planet is moving in opposite direction.

Note: -
(i) Sun & Moon can never be retrograde.
(ii) Rahu & Ketu are always retrograde.
(iii) Planets which are not 'Vakriya' or 'Vakri' are termed as 'Maargi'.

In Indian Vedic astrology, retrograde planets hold significance and are considered an important factor in analyzing a birth chart. When a planet is retrograde, it appears to be moving backward in its orbit from our perspective on Earth. While all planets can go into retrograde motion, the most commonly observed retrograde planets in astrology are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Retrograde planets are believed to have a unique influence on a person's life and can bring about specific effects and energies. Here are some general characteristics associated with retrograde planets: Intensified Energy: Retrograde planets are said to amplify the energies associated with their specific significations. This can lead to intensified experiences and challenges in the areas of life governed by the retrograde planet. Internalized Expression: Retrograde planets often indicate that the qualities and energies represented by that planet are expressed more internally. People with retrograde planets may have a deep inner experience of the planet's energy but may struggle to express it outwardly. Karmic Lessons: Retrograde planets are associated with karmic lessons and past-life influences. They can indicate unfinished business or unresolved issues from previous lifetimes that need attention and growth in the present life. Delayed Manifestation: Retrograde planets are often linked to delays and obstacles. The areas of life influenced by the retrograde planet may experience slower progress or require more patience and perseverance to achieve desired outcomes. Unique Perspective: Retrograde planets offer a different perspective and approach to the significations ruled by that planet. People with retrograde planets may have a unique way of perceiving and interacting with the world, often bringing unconventional or alternative viewpoints. Internal Reflection: Retrograde periods provide an opportunity for introspection, reflection, and inner growth. They encourage individuals to look within and reassess their approach to the qualities represented by the retrograde planet. It's important to note that the specific effects of retrograde planets can vary based on the planet, its placement, aspects, and other factors in the birth chart. Consulting with a knowledgeable astrologer can provide more insights into the individual implications of retrograde planets in a person's chart.