Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer

Shukla Paksh in Astrology or Jyotish

Shukla Paksh in Astrology or Jyotish

Shukla Paksh in Jyotish or Astrology

Shukla Paksh in Vedic Astrology or Jyotish: -

Shukla Paksha, also known as the "bright half" or the waxing phase of the Moon, is the period of approximately 15 days in the lunar month when the Moon is growing larger and brighter each day. It starts on the day of the New Moon, known as Amavasya, and continues until the Full Moon, called Purnima.

During the Shukla Paksha, the Moon's illumination increases as it moves away from the position of the New Moon. This phase symbolizes growth, expansion, and positive energy. It is considered an auspicious time for new beginnings, initiating projects, and manifesting intentions.

Shukla Paksha is associated with various religious and cultural practices in Hinduism. Many significant festivals, ceremonies, and rituals are observed during this phase. For example, Navratri, a nine-night festival dedicated to the worship of Goddess Durga, is celebrated during the Shukla Paksha of the Hindu month of Ashwin. Diwali, the festival of lights, is also observed on the day of Amavasya during the Shukla Paksha of the month of Kartika.

During Shukla Paksha, people may engage in spiritual practices, perform pujas (ritualistic worship), offer prayers, recite mantras, and engage in acts of charity. It is believed that positive energies are amplified during this phase, and efforts made during Shukla Paksha are more likely to yield favorable results.

Astrologically, the positioning of planets during the Shukla Paksha is taken into account to analyze the overall energetic influences on an individual's birth chart. The Moon's placement, along with other planetary configurations, is considered significant for determining various aspects of life, including emotions, mindsets, and personal growth.

Overall, the Shukla Paksha represents a period of increasing illumination, positivity, and expansion. It is considered an auspicious and favorable time for undertaking new ventures, spiritual practices, and positive actions aligned with one's intentions and goals.

Shukla Paksh is the time period of nearly two weeks or a fortnight in which Moon is waxing from Amaavasya (black Moon) to Poornima (full moon).