Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer


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Palmistry: -

Palmistry, also known as palm reading, is a divination practice that examines the lines, shapes, and other features of a person's palm to gain insights into their personality traits, potential talents, and possible life events. While it is often associated with astrology, palmistry is considered a separate discipline within the realm of fortune-telling.

Here are some key aspects and principles of palmistry:

Hand Shapes: Palmistry considers different hand shapes as indicators of certain personality traits. Common hand shapes include square, rectangular, spatulate, conical, and mixed. Each shape is believed to reveal specific characteristics and temperament.

Lines on the Palm: The lines on the palm, such as the heart line, head line, life line, and fate line, are significant in palmistry. The length, depth, and curvature of these lines, as well as their intersections and connections, are interpreted to provide information about different aspects of a person's life, such as emotional patterns, mental tendencies, vitality, and destiny.

Mounts: Palmistry also pays attention to the mounts on the palm, which are fleshy areas corresponding to different planets in astrology. These mounts, such as the Mount of Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Saturn, are believed to represent specific qualities, such as ambition, creativity, energy, and discipline.

Fingers and Thumb: The shape, length, and flexibility of the fingers and thumb are analyzed in palmistry. Each finger is associated with particular attributes, such as communication skills (Mercury finger), creativity (Apollo finger), and willpower (Saturn finger). The thumb is often seen as an indicator of a person's willpower and drive.

Other Palm Features: Various other features of the palm, such as the texture, color, nails, and skin patterns, can be considered in palmistry readings. These features may provide additional insights into a person's health, temperament, and potential obstacles or advantages in life.

Palmistry is considered a form of divination and has been practiced in different cultures and traditions throughout history. Palm readers interpret the unique combination of lines, shapes, and features on an individual's palm to provide guidance and predictions about their personal characteristics, career prospects, relationships, and major life events.

It's important to note that palmistry is considered a pseudoscience and is not recognized as a scientifically validated practice. Skeptics argue that palmistry relies on subjective interpretation and lacks empirical evidence to support its claims. Nevertheless, palmistry continues to be popular among those interested in divination and self-reflection.